" + "In " + paperObj["full venue"]; } function paperLinks (paperObj) { var links = ""; for (link in paperObj["links"]) { if (links != "") { links += ", "; } links += "" + link + ""; } if (links != "") { links = "
" + "[" + links + "]" } return links; } function paperAward (paperObj) { if (!("award" in paperObj) || !paperObj["award"]) { return ""; } return '
' + paperObj["award"] + ''; } function paperReprString (paperObj) { return "
'); document.write(paperObj["venue"]); document.write(" | "); document.write(""); document.write("" + paperObj["title"] + " "); document.write(paperAuthors(paperObj) + paperLinks(paperObj)); document.write(" | "); document.write("
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anton@podkopaev.net | Twitter: @inf_anlun | GitHub: anlun | CV | ORCID |
ASE Demo'24 | CoqPilot, a plugin for LLM-based generation of proofs A. Kozyrev, G. Solovev, N. Khramov, A. Podkopaev [Draft, arXiv, Video (5 min), Video (10 min), GitHub] |
POPL'22 | The Leaky Semicolon: Compositional Semantic Dependencies for Relaxed-Memory Concurrency A. Jeffrey, J. Riely, M. Batty, S. Cooksey, I. Kaysin, A. Podkopaev [Paper, Full paper, Project, Artifact @Zenodo, GitHub] |
Programming'21 | A Survey of Programming Language Memory Models E. Moiseenko, A. Podkopaev, D. Koznov [Paper, Full paper w/ better formatting, Paper (Russian)] |
OOPSLA'21 | Making Weak Memory Models Fair O. Lahav, E. Namakonov, J. Oberhauser, A. Podkopaev, V. Vafeiadis [Paper, arXiv, Artifact @Zenodo, DOI, Talk] |
ECOOP'20 | Reconciling Event Structures with Modern Multiprocessors E. Moiseenko, A. Podkopaev, O. Lahav, O. Melkonian, V. Vafeiadis [Paper, DOI, Artifact, arXiv, GitHub, Talk] |
PLDI'20 | Promising 2.0: Global Optimizations in Relaxed Memory Concurrency S.-H. Lee, M. Cho, A. Podkopaev, S. Chakraborty, C.-K. Hur, O. Lahav, V. Vafeiadis [Paper, DOI, DOI (artifact), Project, GitHub 1, GitHub 2] |
PLDI'20 | Repairing and Mechanising the JavaScript Relaxed Memory Model C. Watt, C. Pulte, A. Podkopaev, G. Barbier, S. Dolan, S. Flur, J. Pichon-Pharabod, S. Guo [Paper, DOI, arXiv, Artifact on GitHub] |
POPL'19 | Bridging the Gap Between Programming Languages and Hardware Weak Memory Models A. Podkopaev, O. Lahav, V. Vafeiadis [Paper, Full paper, Project, arXiv, GitHub, POPL'19 slides, EWSCS'19 slides] |
ECOOP'17 | Promising Compilation to ARMv8 POP A. Podkopaev, O. Lahav, V. Vafeiadis [Full paper, ECOOP'17 slides, ECOOP'17 talk video, PLC'17 slides (in Russian)] |
arXiv'16 | Operational Aspects of C/C++ Concurrency A. Podkopaev, I. Sergey, A. Nanevski [arXiv, GitHub] |
PSI'14 | Polynomial-Time Optimal Pretty-Printing Combinators with Choice A. Podkopaev, D. Boulytchev [Paper, Springer link, GitHub (Haskell), GitHub (Kotlin)] |