Twitter: @inf_anlun GitHub: anlun CVORCID
I am the head of Programming Languages and Program Analysis lab (PLAN) at JetBrains Research and an adjunct professor at Constructor University Bremen. I was the head of Programming Languages and Tools Lab which merged with Applied Program Analysis Lab. I was an associate professor at Higher School of Economics (November 2018 - June 2022) and a postdoctoral researcher at MPI-SWS hosted by Viktor Vafeiadis (June 2019 - October 2020), I did my PhD at St. Petersburg University, Russia. Before that, I was a research intern at IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid (June - August 2015) and at MPI-SWS, Kaiserslautern (May - August 2016; January, May, September - October 2017, September - October 2018). I'm interested in programming languages, their semantics and implementation, program analysis, concurrency, and weak memory models.

Selected Publications

[DBLP, Google Scholar, Full list of publications]


  1. Programming language memory models: Problems, solutions, and directions
    [Hydraconf'20, CSClub'20, Video in English (from Hydra'20), Video in Russian (from CSClub'20)]
  2. Promising compilation to {x86, Power, ARM}
    Based on work of D. Dreyer, C.-K. Hur, J. Kang, , A. Podkopaev, .



Different Activities
