[Video from Hydra'20 (English), Video from CSClub'20 (Russian)] Programming language memory models: Problems, Solutions, and Directions

Programming language memory models: Problems, Solutions, and Directions (Talk)

Annotation (short) [ENG]

Due to compiler and hardware optimizations, modern programming languages (PLs) do not provide sequential consistent memory model. Instead, they have weak memory models which allow more behaviors. Such memory models have to balance between performance and guarantees provided to software developers, or, as one may say, the balance is actually between performance and sanity. In this talk, we introduce weak memory concurrency, consider requirements imposed on PL memory models, examine ones used by industry (C11 and Java), their drawbacks, and discuss solutions proposed by the academic community. We conclude with a discussion on how to choose a memory model for your language or VM depending on your desiderata.

Annotation [ENG]

Due to compiler and hardware optimizations, modern programming languages (PLs) do not provide sequential consistent memory model (SC, [Lamport:TC79]), which guarantees that all concurrent behaviors of a program could be explained as a sequential execution of some interleaving of program's threads. Instead, they have weak memory models which allow more behaviors.

Such memory models have to balance between performance and guarantees provided to software developers, or, as one may say, the balance is actually between performance and sanity. That is, performance forces a memory model to allow more optimizations and, therefore, more program behaviors, whereas sanity forces a memory model to provide guarantees like data-race-freedom (DRF) that a program without races has only sequentially consistent executions which restricts the set of allowed executions.

In this talk, we introduce weak memory concurrency, consider requirements imposed on PL memory models, and examine ones used by industry (C11 [Batty-al:POPL11] and Java [Manson-al:POPL05]) and their drawbacks. Then, we explore new memory models (RC11 [Lahav-al:PLDI17], MRD [Paviotti-al:ESOP20], Promising 1.0 [Kang-al:POPL17], Promising 2.0 [Hwan-al:PLDI20], Weakestmo [Chakraborty-Vafeiadis:POPL19]) proposed as a solution for the drawbacks: what these models provide, which compromises they take, how expensive performance-wise, if at all, these compromises are, and how hard is to adapt the models for mainstream languages. We conclude with a discussion on how to choose a memory model for your language or VM depending on your desiderata.

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Модели памяти языков программирования: Проблемы, решения и направления развития (Доклад)

Аннотация [RUS]

Использование компиляторных и процессорных оптимизаций приводит к тому, что современные языки программирования не гарантируют модель памяти последовательной консистентности (sequential consistency, SC, [Lamport:TC79]) для многопоточных программ. Вместо этого, такие языки обладают слабыми моделями памяти, допускающими больше возможных результатов исполнения программ. Такие модели памяти балансируют между производительностью, как следствие свободы, предоставляемой компилятору и процессору, и гарантиями на "разумность" поведения программы, предоставляемыми программисту.

В этом докладе вводятся слабые модели памяти, рассматриваются требования к моделям памяти языков программирования, а также обсуждаются достоинства и недостатки моделей, используемых в индустрии (C/C++11 [Batty-al:POPL11] и Java [Manson-al:POPL05]). Далее рассматриваются новые модели памяти (RC11 [Lahav-al:PLDI17], MRD [Paviotti-al:ESOP20], Promising 1.0 [Kang-al:POPL17], Promising 2.0 [Hwan-al:PLDI20], Weakestmo [Chakraborty-Vafeiadis:POPL19]), призванные решить упомянутые недостатки. В заключении обсуждается то, как стоит подходить к выбору и/или модификации модели памяти для языка программирования или виртуальной машины.

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